Blog, Cost Report, Reimbursement, The Hospital Finance Podcast®February 1, 2023Reimbursement Best Practices Series-Cost Report Fundamentals Webinar [PODCAST]
Blog, Cost Report, On-Demand Webinars, ReimbursementOctober 26, 2022WEBINAR – Medicare Settlement 101
Cost Report, ReimbursementAugust 11, 2022Why Choose Easy Work Papers | Cost Report Preparation Software
Blog, Cost Report, Reimbursement, Uncompensated CareAugust 3, 2022Uncompensated Care: Why Hospitals Should Look at DSH, S-10, and Bad Debt with a Singular View Towards Proper Reimbursement
Blog, Cost Report, Reimbursement, The Hospital Finance Podcast®February 23, 2022Cost Report 201 – Worksheet A6 Reclassifications [PODCAST]
Blog, Cost Report, ReimbursementFebruary 9, 2022Top Questions from our Non-Allowable Expenses on the Medicare Cost Report Webinar