Blog, The Hospital Finance Podcast®March 15, 2023Are You in Denial About Healthcare Denials [PODCAST]
Blog, Reimbursement, The Hospital Finance Podcast®March 1, 2023IME and GME Reimbursement Webinar [PODCAST]
Blog, The Hospital Finance Podcast®February 22, 2023How to be More Mindful, Lead with Empathy and Kick Negative Self-Talk [PODCAST]
Blog, Revenue Cycle, The Hospital Finance Podcast®February 15, 2023IME and GME Revenue Recovery Webinar [PODCAST]
Blog, The Hospital Finance Podcast®February 8, 2023What Providers Can Do Regarding Payors and Healthcare Workforce Shortages [PODCAST]
Blog, Cost Report, Reimbursement, The Hospital Finance Podcast®February 1, 2023Reimbursement Best Practices Series-Cost Report Fundamentals Webinar [PODCAST]
Blog, The Hospital Finance Podcast®January 25, 2023Changes to the CMS Intern and Resident Information System IRIS [PODCAST]
Blog, Revenue Integrity, The Hospital Finance Podcast®January 18, 2023Medicare Appropriate Use Criteria Program-What You Need to Know to Properly Code Webinar [PODCAST]