Access the latest healthcare finance news and BESLER news from the week of May 29, 2023.
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Access the latest healthcare finance news and BESLER news from the week of May 29, 2023.
In this episode, Christina Brown, BESLER’s Director of Reimbursement, gives us a glimpse into the next Webinar in our Reimbursement Best Practices series, Reimbursement Updates, on June 7, 2023, at 1 PM ET.
Access the latest healthcare finance news and BESLER news from the week of May 22, 2023.
This webinar is: The Importance of Data Analytics in Improving Your KPIs. BESLER’s Director of Revenue Integrity, Olga Barone-Allan, digs into the Revenue Integrity Cycle process & gives the importance of Data Analytics in Improving Your KPIs.
In this episode, Gregory Fliszar, Vice Chair of Cozen O’Connor’s Healthcare & Life Sciences practice, talks about unlawful 340B drug underpayments.
Access the latest healthcare finance news and BESLER news from the week of May 15, 2023.
In this episode, Olga Barone-Allan provides a glimpse into the upcoming BESLER webinar: The Importance of Data Analytics in Improving Your KPIs on Thursday, May 25, at 1 PM ET.
Access the latest healthcare finance news and BESLER news from the week of May 8, 2023.
In this episode, we’re pleased to welcome Derek Streat Founder, CEO & Chairman of DexCare, discusses technology platforms becoming mission critical for U.S. health systems.
Download BESLER’s White Paper: Transfer DRGs – Approaches to Revenue Recovery. Transfer DRG underpayments deprive U.S. hospitals of hundreds of millions of dollars per year. Learn more in this paper now.
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