Access the latest healthcare finance news and BESLER news from the week of Feb. 27, 2023.
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Access the latest healthcare finance news and BESLER news from the week of Feb. 27, 2023.
In this episode, we’re pleased to welcome back Tim Powell, Senior Reimbursement Consultant at BESLER. Tim will give us a glimpse into the upcoming BESLER webinar in our Reimbursement Best Practices webinar series on IME and GME.
Access the latest healthcare finance news and BESLER news from the week of Feb. 20, 2023.
This webinar is: IME & GME Revenue Recovery. BESLER’s Director of Revenue Integrity Olga Barone-Allan provides an overview of IME and GME billing and the impact it can have on your revenue.
In this episode, we’re pleased to welcome Adam Baruh, Host of The Change podcast and CEO of SuiteCentric, a NetSuite Consulting Company & EIQ Media to share with us how to be more mindful, lead with empathy & kick negative self-talk.
Access the latest healthcare finance news and BESLER news from the week of Feb. 13, 2023.
In this episode, we’re pleased to welcome back Olga Barone-Allan, Director of Revenue Integrity at BESLER to give you a glimpse into an upcoming BESLER webinar: IME and GME Revenue Recovery which is live on Wednesday, February 22nd at 1pm EST.
Access the latest healthcare finance news and BESLER news from the week of Feb. 6, 2023.
This webinar Reimbursement Best Practices Series – Cost Report Fundamentals, presented by BESLER’s Senior Reimbursement Consultant Tim Powell, provides a “101” summary of the Medicare Cost Report and details why it’s so important to your hospital’s reimbursement.
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