Reimbursement Best Practices Series – Disproportionate Share and Medicaid Eligibility Reviews (DSH) 101. BESLER’s Director of Reimbursement Christina Brown provides an in-depth review of DSH & reviews key elements that can affect your reimbursement.
Reimbursement Best Practices Series – IME & GME. BESLER’s Senior Reimbursement Consultant Tim Powell provides a “101” summary of IME and GME, while also detailing the new changes and why it is so important to your reimbursement.
Reimbursement Best Practices Series – Medicare Bad Debts. BESLER’s Director of Reimbursement Christina Brown provides a “101” summary of Medicare Bad debts, including regulatory requirements and best practices.
Reimbursement Best Practices Series – Bed Management. BESLER’s Senior Reimbursement Consultant, Tim Powell, gives an overview of Bed Management and how it can affect your organization’s reimbursement.
Reimbursement Best Practices Series – S-10 Updates. BESLER’s Director of Reimbursement, Christina Brown, provides an insightful introduction to Worksheet S-10 and its impact on hospital Medicare reimbursement while also covering essential elements for preparing S-10, including data collection and documentation filing.
Reimbursement Best Practices Series – Cost Report Fundamentals. BESLER’s Senior Reimbursement Consultant Tim Powell provides a “101” summary of the Medicare Cost Report and details why it is so important to your reimbursement.
Reimbursement Best Practices Series – Occupational Mix. BESLER’s Senior Reimbursement Consultant Cody Bales provides a “101” summary of Occupational Mix, including why it’s so important to your reimbursement.
Reimbursement Best Practices Series – Reimbursement Updates. BESLER’s Director of Reimbursement Services Christina Brown discusses updates to the Transmittals & covers the new changes to the forms in greater detail.
Reimbursement Best Practices Series – Payments for Nursing and Allied Health Education on the Cost Report. BESLER’s Reimbursement Manager Andrew Kinnaman gives an in-depth review of reimbursement principles and best practices of Nursing and Allied health education payments.